Our Mission
The mission of CIDER is to develop and foster resources, through direct services or collaboration with others, that enable the people of Grand Isle County, Vermont, including but not limited to elders and individuals with disabilities, to live in their community with dignity.
CIDER (aka Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources ) accomplishes this by providing direct services and collaborating with other individuals and groups. CIDER feels a special responsibility to older adults and persons with disabilities.
The values that guide CIDER are:
Caring, Creative, Client Centered, Cost Effective and Community Based.
A United Way of Northwest Vermont Funded agency.
Winner of:
Vermont Housing and Conservation Board 2023 Welcome to the Neighborhood Award
CTAA's National Rural Community Transportation System of the Year
Vermont Agency of Human Services “Secretary’s Community Award”
Governor’s Award for Outstanding Community Service
Proud Partner Of: