What's Happening in 

Grand Isle County

 There's Always Something New Happening at the Worthen Library

Weekly Events at the Worthen Library

Mondays - Cribbage 12pm A great way to learn and play this classic card game.

Tuesdays and Thursdays - Mah Jongg 12- 3pm

Wednesdays - Fiber Arts Group 11am

                        Rosen Method Movement 3:30pm  Relaxing movement to music.  Floor Mat                 recommended 

                        Island Quilting Group 9:30 to 11:30am 1st and 3rd Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5th 9:30 AM - Island Quilting Group - Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday..

Wednesday, March 12th 6:00 PM - Macrame with Christel Nase

Tuesday, March 18th 6:30 PM - South Hero Historical Society Presents: Island Winters were FUN!       Growing Up in South Hero in the 1940's -1970's

Wednesday, March 19th 6:00 PM - Winter Wednesdays - COme join us for a fun and delicious     evening learning how to cook with maple syrup with Jackie     Major!

Saturday, March 22nd 10:00 AM - Seed Swap - Celebrate the 5th year of the South Hero Seed     Library with a good ol' fashioned seed swap! There will be a     raffle, prizes, kids crafts, and the library will be chock-ful of     new seeds.

Tuesday, March 25th 6:00 PM - Comedy with Josie Leavitt - Learn the art of comedy with our very local comedian Josie Leavitt. Email the library to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, March 26th 6:00 PM - Winter Wednesdays - Join Ember Boyle, owner of Happy Bird       Poultry Farm and 6th generation Vermont Farmer, for a craft-       filled evening creating your own Barn Quilt. Call the library to       reserve your spot.

Wednesday, March 26th 6:00 PM - Book Club - This month we will be reading Elise Loehnen's "On     Our Best Behavior" Stop by the library for your copy today.

Saturday, March 29th 10:00 AM - Jigsaw Puzzle Contest - Get your team ready. You will have one   hour to put together your jigsaw puzzle. Winner and runner-up   team will get gift cards from Wally's or Two Heros. Call the   library to sign-up.

Wednesday, April 2nd 6:30 PM - Cooking the Books! - Everyone selects a recipe from Ina Garten's "Modern Comfort Food" and brings in the dish to share.

28 Community Lane

South Hero, VT 05486



"The Neighbors" Congregate Lunch Sponsored by C.I.D.E.R.

 Serving Lunch EVERY Wednesday!

Please plan to join CIDER on  March 5 at the Congregational Church on South Street in South Hero for our next Congregate meal.  Chef Kim will be serving  "Crack" Chicken Casserole, potatoes, veggies, fruit, and dessert. 

Lunch is served promptly at noon, so if you’d like some time to visit with friends, or make some new ones, plan to arrive by 11:30. (Business networking, offering, or selling services or products, and political campaigning are not appropriate socializing activities)

In order to have enough meals prepared, please contact C.I.D.E.R. at 802-372-6425  the Friday prior to the meal to reserve your spot.


The suggested donation for the congregate meal is $5, but any amount is appreciated, and no one is ever turned away for their inability to pay.


Parking is plentiful and the entrance is handicap accessible. Additionally, rides can be arranged on a first-come basis from C.I.D.E.R. Again, please call no later than the Friday before the meal to arrange a ride.

Check out the March menu here: cidervt.org/calendar/meal-calendar

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