Who We Are

CIDER is an acronym that stands for Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources, Inc.

The mission of CIDER is to develop and foster resources, through direct services or collaboration with others, that enable the people of Grand Isle County, Vermont, including but not limited to elders and individuals with disabilities, to live in their community with dignity.

The values that guide C.I.D.E.R. are to be: Caring, Creative, Client Based, Cost Effective and Community Based.

We provide access to essential resources and services for Grand Isle County seniors and persons with disabilities. We supply transportation to medical appointments and grocery shopping, home deliver meals, build accessibility projects, like wheelchair ramps, lend out adaptive and durable medical equipment, disseminate information and provide referrals to additional services.

We provide socialization opportunities for seniors and persons with disabilities living in this beautiful, but rural area where social isolation can be a serious health issue for many individuals. Health and wellness programs such as Living Strong in the Islands strength and balance training, tai chi, congregate senior meals, social excursion trips, and volunteer opportunities are designed to keep our members and clients healthy and connected.

CIDER is a community-based 501(c)(3) non profit organization and a funded program with the United Way of Northwest Vermont. CIDER is also a Trusted Transportation Partner with ITN America and a member organization of Community Transportation Association of America.

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